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This namespace contains functionality associated with creating your own content inside Gmail. It allows you to define "Routes" which define a full page of content and an associated URL space for which they are active. You can think of routes as different pages in your application. Gmail already have a few routes built in (Inbox, Sent, Drafts, etc). This namespace allows you to define your own as well as listen in on the built in routes being navigated to.

This is typically used when you want to create content to fill the main content area of Gmail. Every route has a URL associated with it and can have optional parameters. However, you never construct these URL's manually. The SDK will take care of creating a URL that will work in Gmail for your Route. Since these URL's may change due to implementations of Gmail, you should always create new links when trying to set URL on elements or simply use the goto function which naviagtes to the created link automatically. Using the handleX family of methods, you can specify which routes your application can handle. You will be called back with and instance of a RouteView or similar when the user navigates to a route you've declared you can handle. For custom routes, you'll typically add your own content and for built in routes, you'll typically modify the existing content. Route ID's are path like strings with named parameters, for example: "myroute/:someParamMyRouteNeeds".

Namespace methods

createLink(routeID, params)

Get a URL that can be used to navigate to a view. You'll typically want to use this to set the href of an element or similar. Returns the encoded URL string.

routeIDstringA route specifying where the link should navigate the user to. This should either be a routeID registered with Router.handleCustomRoute or Router.handleCustomListRoute, or a value from Router.NativeRouteIDs.
paramsObjectan object containing the parameters that will be encoded in the link and decoded when the user subsequently visits the route. Handlers for the specified routeID will receive a copy of this object. This object must contain only simple key value pairs with no nested arrays/objects.

Returns a string

goto(routeID, params)

Change the route to be the one with the given ID and have the given parameters.

routeIDstringA route specifying where the link should navigate the user to. This should either be a routeID registered with Router.handleCustomRoute or Router.handleCustomListRoute, a value from Router.NativeRouteIDs, or a value previously returned by Router.createLink. If it's a value previously returned by Router.createLink, then the params argument must be omitted.
paramsObjectan object containing the parameters that will be encoded in the link and decoded when the user subsequently visits the route. Handlers for the specified routeID will receive a copy of this object. This object must contain only simple key value pairs with no nested arrays/objects.

Returns a Promise<void>

handleCustomRoute(routeID, handler)

Registers a handler (callback) to be called when the user navigates to a custom route which matches the routeID you provide. Use this to create your own routes (pages) with your own custom content. Your callback will be passed an instance of a CustomRouteView whose contents you may modify.

routeIDstringwhich route this handler is registering for
handlerfunction(CustomRouteView)The callback to call when the route changes to a custom route matching the provided routeID

Returns a function which removes the handler registration.


Registers a handler (callback) to be called when the user navigates to any route (both customs and built in routes). Because this can apply to any route, your callback will be given only a generic RouteView. This is typically used when you want to monitor for page changes but don't necessarily need to modify the page.

handlerfunction(RouteView)The callback to call when the route changes

Returns a function which removes the handler registration.

handleListRoute(routeID, handler)

Registers a handler (callback) to be called when the user navigates to a list route which matches the routeID you provide. Gmail have several built in routes which are "Lists". These include routes like Inbox, All Mail, Sent, Drafts, etc. You'll typically use this to modify Gmail's built in List routes.

routeIDNativeListRouteIDswhich list route this handler is registering for.
handlerfunction(ListRouteView)The callback to call when the route changes to a list route matching the routeId.

Returns a function which removes the handler registration.


sdk.Router.handleListRoute(sdk.Router.NativeRouteIDs.INBOX, (listRouteView) => {
// ...

handleCustomListRoute(routeID, handler)

Used to create a custom view that shows a list of threads. When the user navigates to the given routeID, the handler function will be called. The handler function will be passed the starting offset (if the user sees 50 threads per page and is on page 2, then the offset will be 50), and a maximum number of threads to return. It must return a CustomListDescriptor, or a promise which resolves to one.

routeIDstringWhich route this handler is registering for.
handlerfunction(offset, max)Passed a page offset and a maximum number of threads to return. Must return a CustomListDescriptor, or a promise which resolves to one.

Returns a function which removes the handler registration.


Returns a RouteView of the current route view


RouteViews represent pages within Gmail that a user can navigate to. RouteViews can be "custom", those that the application developer registers, or they can be "builtin" which are those that the email client natively supports like "Sent", "Drafts", or "Inbox"

This class mostly just gives you metadata about the route, most of the functionality to modify the route are defined in subclasses like ListRouteView and CustomRouteView, which you get by handling those types specifically in the Router.



Returns a string of the ID of the RouteView. This is the same routeID that you give Router.goto() or Router.createLink(). This will be a value from NativeRouteIDs.


Returns a string of the type of the route. This will be one of the values in RouteTypes.


Returns an Object of the URL parameters of this RouteView instance. This will be an object where the properties are strings.



Fires when this RouteView instance is navigated away from


destroyedbooleanThis property is set to true once the view is destroyed.Yes


Extends RouteView. CustomRouteViews represent your own custom pages of content.



Returns a HTMLElement of the element representing the content area of this CustomRouteView. You should inject your content into this element.


Extends RouteView. ListRouteViews represent pages within Gmail that show a list of emails. Typical examples are the Inbox, Sent Mail, Drafts, etc. However, views like the Conversation view or Settings would not be a ListRouteView.



Adds a collapsible section to the top of the page.

optionsSectionDescriptor or Stream(SectionDescriptor)configuration options of the CollapsibleSectionView

Returns a CollapsibleSectionView


Adds a non-collapsible section to the top of the page.

optionsSectionDescriptor or Stream(SectionDescriptor)configuration options of the SectionView

Returns a SectionView


Simulates a click on the Gmail thread list refresh button.


SectionViews allow you to display additional content on ListRouteViews. They are typically rendered as additional content above the list of threads below. The visual style is similar to that of multiple inbox sections used in native Gmail. Note that the rendering may vary slightly depending on the actual ListRouteView that the SectionView is rendered in. For example, SectionViews rendered on search results pages use different header styles to match Gmail's style more accurately.

You can either render rows (that are visually similar to Gmail rows) or custom content in your SectionView. Until content is provided, the SectionView will simply display a "Loading..." indicator. See ListRouteView.addSection for more information.



Removes this section from the current Route.



Fires when the SectionView is no longer visible.


destroyedbooleanThis property is set to true once the view is destroyed.Yes


Extends SectionView. CollapsibleSectionViews allow you to display additional content on ListRouteViews. They are typically rendered as additional content above the list of threads below. The visual style is similar to that of multiple inbox sections used in native Gmail. Note that the rendering may vary slightly depending on the actual ListRouteView that the CollapsibleSectionView is rendered in. For example, CollapsibleSectionViews rendered on search results pages use different header styles to match Gmail's style more accurately.

You can either render rows (that are visually similar to Gmail rows) or custom content in your CollapsibleSectionView. Until content is provided, the SectionView will simply display a "Loading..." indicator. See ListRouteView.addCollapsibleSection for more information.



valuebooleanWhether to collapse (minimize) the section view.


Removes this section from the current Route



Fires when the CollapsibleSectionView is no longer visible.


Fires when the CollapsibleSectionView is expanded.


Fires when the CollapsibleSectionView is collapsed.


This type is returned from the handler function passed to Router.handleCustomListRoute() as a way to configure the custom list route.

threads`Array<(ThreadDescriptorString)>`An array of threads to display in the custom list view. Each thread may be in the form of a ThreadDescriptor object or a string that is: 1. A Gmail Thread ID. 2. A message's Message-ID header (which must start with "<" and end with ">").Yes
totalNumberThe total number of threads in the custom list view. Note that this is different from the number of threads currently shown on the page (e.g. there may only be 50 threads currently shown on the page but 150 total threads in the list, in this case total would be 150). If you won't know the total number until you've reached the end of the list (e.g. you're fetching data from a search API where calculating a total is expensive), omit this property and use hasMore instead.Nonull
hasMoreBooleanA boolean representing whether or not there are more threads to be shown after the currently shown threads. Use this when you won't know the total number of threads until you've reached the end of the list. If you already know the total number of threads in the list (not just the ones currently shown), omit this proeprty and use total instead.Nonull


An object used to describe a specific thread (e.g. when creating a custom list via Router.handleCustomListRoute()). At least one property must be present to identify a thread.

rfcMessageIdStringThe value of a message's Message-ID header (which must start with "<" and end with ">").Nonull
gmailThreadIdStringThe Gmail thread ID of a message.Nonull


The properties required to create a SectionView or CollapsibleSectionView.

titlestringMain titleYes
titleLinkTextstringLink to display in the summary area of the SectionView. Typically page counts are displayed here.Nonull
onTitleLinkClickfunctionA function to call when the title link has been clicked.Nonull
hasDropdownbooleanWhether to display a dropdown arrow for more options on the collapsible section.Nofalse
onDropdownClickfunction(event)A function to call when the dropdown is opened. Your function is passed an event object with a single dropdown property.Nonull
tableRowsArray<RowDescriptor>The rows that should be shown.Nonull
contentElementHTMLElementAn arbitrary HTML element to place above the table rows but below the title.Nonull
footerLinkTextstringA link to place in the footer of the SectionView.Nonull
onFooterLinkClickfunction(event)A function to call when the link in the footer is clicked.Nonull


Represents the a single row to render in SectionViews and CollapsibleSectionViews

titlestringFirst textual columnYes
bodystringSecond textual columnYes
shortDetailTextstringLast text right-aligned. Often used for dates.Yes
isReadstringWhether the row should be rendered as read or unread similar to Gmail styles.Yes
labelsArray<LabelDescriptor>Any labels that should be rendered.Yes
iconHtmlstringAn optional HTML to an icon to display on the left side of the rowNonull
iconUrlstringAn optional url to an icon to display on the left side of the rowNonull
iconClassstringAn optional class to apply to the icon.Nonull
routeIDstringThe name of the route to navigate to when the row is clicked on.Nonull
routeParamsArray<string>The parameters of the route being navigated to when the row is clicked on.Nonull
onClickfunctionCallback for when the row is clicked on.Nonull

Enums and Constants


All the different route types that exist in Gmail

INBOXinbox list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
ALL_MAILall mail list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
SENTsent list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
STARREDstarred list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
DRAFTSdrafts list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
LABELany label list, Permissible Route Params: labelName, page (optional),
TRASHtrash list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
SPAMspam list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
IMPORTANTbuilt in list of important emails, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
SEARCHany search results page, Permissible Route Params: query, page (optional)
THREADsingle conversation view, Permissible Route Params: threadID
CHATSlist of chats, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
CHATsingle chat view, Permissible Route Params: chatID
CONTACTSgoogle contacts view, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
CONTACTsingle google contact view, Permissible Route Params: contactID
SETTINGSthe settings view, Permissible Route Params: section
ANY_LISTthis refers to any of the above lists


The different list routes natively available in Gmail. List routes display lists of threads or messages or other types.

INBOXinbox list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
ALL_MAILall mail list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
SENTsent list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
STARREDstarred list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
DRAFTSdrafts list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
LABELany label list, Permissible Route Params: labelName, page (optional),
TRASHtrash list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
SPAMspam list, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
IMPORTANTbuilt in list of important emails, Permissible Route Params: page (optional)
SEARCHany search results page, Permissible Route Params: query, page (optional)
ANY_LISTThis refers to any of the above lists


The different route types that exist

LISTa list of threads or messages
THREADa single thread or message
SETTINGSa Gmail settings page
CHATa single chat history
CUSTOMa custom route created by any app
UNKNOWNan unknown route